5 Sunless Tanning Products to Try

Now that school is over and June is creeping up on us, I think it’s safe to say summer is in full swing. That means crop tops, bathing suits, and any other articles of clothing that won’t leave us sweltering in the crazy Georgia heat. For a lot of people, all this exposed skin means one thing: it’s time to get a tan.

If you’re looking for a nice glow without all the damage the sun can do to your skin, or if you’re trying to catch up to your friends who spent spring break in Mexico, sunless tanning products are a great way to get some healthy color in a short amount of time.

I’ve tried quite a few self tanners over the years, and I’ve broken down my five favorite brands and products to help get you on your bronzy way.

L’Oreal Paris Sublime Bronze Lotion

This one is pretty cheap and can be found just about anywhere, from Walgreens to Target to Ulta. The lotion isn’t greasy, and while the smell is a little weird, it isn’t bad. As long as you’re careful with application, it goes on evenly and doesn’t streak or leave weird patches on your skin. You can apply it every day until you reach your desired tan level, then just use it occasionally to keep it up. It also contains a small SPF, so it’s a good daily moisturizer too.

Tantowel Full Body Application

Hands down, this is my favorite self tanning product. The full-body pack comes with five towels that are already loaded with self-tanner, so all you have to do is rub the towel over your skin and go. Application is super easy, and it isn’t streaky. At $24 a box, this method can get a little pricey if you’re looking to develop a super dark color and want to apply the color every day, but I was happy enough with the color to only use one towel a week. You won’t be orange, and the color develops quickly too.

St. Tropez Self-Tan Bronzing Mousse

Because this product is a mousse, it dries nice and fast, but that fast drying time also makes it a little tricky to apply evenly. I’d suggest using a mitt for best results. This one looks a little weird when you put it on, but after it dries you’re left with a really natural-looking tan. It does have that self-tanner smell, but it’s fairly subtle and can easily be disguised. This product is best for an instant boost of color, like if you’re attending a wedding or other event you want a color boost for. A lot of it will fade and wash off pretty quickly, so you will have to reapply often for extended color.

Tarte Brazilliance Skin Rejuvenating Maracuja Face and Body Self Tanner

This product comes with a handy mitt that makes application easier, and it’s one of the better-smelling self tanners out there. The color is very gradual though, so this lotion is good for people who are a littler nervous about self tanners, because it definitely allows you to build the color how you want it. The color is great, and it lasts for a while too.

Jergens Natural Glow Moisturizer

The Jergens lotion is definitely the best bargain out there. It’s super cheap, but it doesn’t smell gross and has a nice, gradual color build-up. This is my go-to product year round when I’m looking for a little extra color, because it gives you a natural-looking boost that will fade evenly and gradually. They also have a specific face lotion, but I just mix this with a little of my daily moisturizer and that does the trick.

Basic Self-Tanning Tips:

1. To get the best results, exfoliate before you use any of these products.
2. Always allow plenty of time for the product to dry to avoid staining your clothes or getting weird streaks.
3. Take the instructions seriously—wash your hands after use, and go easy around your knees and elbows to avoid getting darker patches.
4. Don’t ignore your hands and feet entirely, because you’ll develop lines where it becoming obvious you either self tanned or wore socks/gloves while at the beach. It looks a little weird, so just go easy with those areas as well and you’ll be fine.
5. For a more gradual tan, or to use on your face without going too crazy, mix the self tanner with a plain moisturizer before applying.

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